2021 Whakatu Regatta (inc. Europe National Championships)

January 16, 2021 – January 17, 2021 all-day
Nelson Yacht Club Inc
322 Wakefield Quay
Nelson 7010
New Zealand
Event Report:
The Europe sailors had a fantastic sea breeze day on the Friday, and were joined by the rest of the Whakatu fleet for another awesome day on the Saturday, with some highly competitive racing. After the two days in the Europe class, the top three sailors were on 8, 9, and 10 points respectively.

For some reason, the Sunday of the Whakatu regatta always has to blow hard. This year it was in early. With such a tight top three there were at least 2 Europe sailors absolutely chomping at the bit to get at least one more race in. As soon as the northerly front cleared through we were out there, only for the wind to die to literally nothing. With the clock ticking down, the SW eventually kicked in and the Race Committee gave it everything they had to get the race started before we ran out of time. Unfortunately, they committee boat swung dramatically in the tide just before the start and they had to blow it up (abandon the race). We did get a race away (after the time limit) and had an awesomely competitive race inside the harbour in some stiff SW breeze, but it was decided that it shouldn’t be counted.

Europe Nationals:
1st – Derek Brebner – Howick Sailing Club
2nd – Tim Fraser-Harris – Nelson Yacht Club
3rd – David Brown – Opua Cruising Club
1st Female – Susanne Fraser-Harris – Nelson Yacht Club
Handicap Trophy – Kennedy Florence – Queen Charlotte Yacht Club

29er South Island Champs:
1st Luis Schneider & Macgregor Jones
2nd Charlotte Faulkner & Ella Arnold
3rd Alex Bentley & Kelian Landry

FD South Island Champs:
1st Dave Gibb & Craig Peattie
2nd John Bailey & Bill Dabbs

In the rest of the Whakatu regatta fleets the most competitive racing was in the laser radials with the visiting Kaspian Evatt edging out NYC’s Justin Fletcher for the win. Otherwise there was just a couple of 420s and the Tim Pitcaithly vs Mike Terry show in the Laser Standard. Full results here

The Green Fleet consisting of Elliot Dabbs (Starling), Sean Bailey (Opti) and Hamish Cobb (Opti) managed to get in 5 races on the Saturday afternoon and made a wise decision to call it early on the Sunday!


Europe Nationals Day 2 Results – Provisional

Whakatu Regatta Day 1 Results – Provisional

Whakatu Regatta Green Fleet Results – Provisional


Pre Event Info:

Nelson Yacht Club is looking to build on the growing success of its annual Whakatu Regatta. Held over the middle weekend in January, it is a great time for families to visit the Nelson & Tasman region and enjoy some fantastic sea breeze sailing in Tasman Bay. The event plays host to various South Island Championships from time to time as well as National Championships for smaller classes.

In 2021 the event will host the Europe National Championships from the 15th – 17th, the Flying Dutchman South Island Champs and the 29er South Island Champs.

There will be casual short course racing held on the evening of Friday 15th January.

Other classes are invited to contact us on manager@nelsonyachtclub.org.nz if they are interested in hosting their South Island or National Championships in Nelson.

Notices of Races:

2021 NZ Europe National Championship NOR

2021 Whakatu Regatta NOR

Sailing Instructions:

2021 Europe Nationals Sailing Instructions – APPROVED

2021 Whakatu Regatta Sailing Instructions

We’ve got big plans for a great regatta and some fun social events, so get yourself entered and we’ll see you on the 16-17th January!

For all regatta enquiries please email manager@nelsonyachtclub.org.nz

Accommodation bookings with the iSite:

We appreciate that accommodation can be hard to find/expensive in Nelson in January. Our friends at the Nelson iSite can help find appropriate accommodation for you. Be sure to mention that you are coming to Nelson for the regatta!

Web: https://www.nelsontasman.nz/

Email: isiteadmin@nelsontasman.nz

Phone: 03 548 2304

Accommodation at Fell House:

Nelson College has a boarding house called Fell House available throughout the year. Normally catering is available at the school’s dining room, but during January the catering team take a break. Full information can be found in the pdf brochure: Nelson College Accommodation – Fell House – full info 2020

For more information or to book, contact Sharon Dawson, Facilities Manager

Email: sd@nelsoncollege.school.nz

Phone: 03 5483099 ext 890 or 0274 769088


Entry Form:

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